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Jeff Moloi
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Jeff Moloi


The mandate of the SPCA is to prevent cruelty to and the abuse of animals, educate the public about animal welfare and promote awareness of animal cruelty. 

Our objectives are 

  • to prevent cruelty and the ill treatment of animals by promoting their good treatment by man
  • to prevent wanton and improper treatment of animals
  • to encourage kindness and consideration towards animals, including the establishment  and promotion of Junior Movements
  • and to educate the community with regard to the humane treatment and compassion of animals.

Some of these objectives are achieved by In-Reach and Outreach programs, talks at schools and the promotion of school visits to the SPCA.

Due to also being the Municipal Pound, many unclaimed stray domestic animals are cared for while being afforded the opportunity of good homes through our Adoption Program.

Your top 3 projects:

  • Sterilization: We run a Sterilization Campaign annually, to assist disadvantaged pet owners but due to financial constraints 
  • Puppy Isolation Unit : Build additional kennels in this unit to enable all puppies to be housed in the unit. can only assist a limited amount.
  • Township Outreach : Assessment, minor treatment, deworming, and dipping of animals on site in challenged areas.

A list of your needs

Latches for kennels (please check with us before purchasing)

Fencing for kennels (please check with us before purchasing)

Square Tubing for kennels

Dazzle Dip

Supona Wound Spray

Dewormers ( we use Mediworm Plus/Milbemax)


Auto Washing Powder

Container/Wendy House (to store blankets/towels/documents)

Livestock Trailer

Carbodust (used for powdering puppies / cats)

Black Oxide Paint (10L)

White PVA paint

Copy Machine Paper


40m Extension Lead

30m hose pipes and fittings


Brooms (with hard bristles for cleaning cement floors)

Squee-gee Type mops

Metal Free standing Storage Racks

Garden Spades / Rakes

Kimwipe Paper Roller Towels

Portable First Aid Kits for drivers / inspector/office

Sunlight Liquid

Handy Andy

Disinfectant (Kaz , F10)

Heavy Duty Plastic Aprons

Blue overalls (please check sizes with us)                                        

Torches for vehicles and standby personnel

Montego Puppy Pellets – Large & Small bite

Montego and Catmor Kitten Pellets

Puppy / Kitten Sachets

Disposable Blankets

Puppy toys : rubber type, ropes.

Pet Carriers

Vehicle Assistance (tyres, valet services, etc)

Fuel Sponsor

Volunteers/ Pro Bono Services to assist with general maintenance (painting, gardening, lawn cutting, plumbing, carpentry, building, cement laying,etc)

Sponsorship of golf shirts and caps with SPCA logo (staff  uniform)

Banners (to be used at fund raisers – pull up or feather type)



Upgrade of Clinic Area –new gates, painting

Light weight portable tables for outreach work


2016 Figures :

Cruelty Cases Opened : 12

Complaints Investigated : 480

Routine Inspections Conducted : 60

Sterilizations : 197

Adoptions : 474 Dogs and 113 Cats

A success story 

On the 10th of November, a team consisting of SPCA Inspector Wentzel,  AACL Inspector Rademeyer,  Dog Control Inspector Kruger and Law Enforcement officers  entered a property in Rocklands with a warrant to remove dogs and close down an illegal breeder. Approximately 120 Yorkies, Biewer Yorkies and Shih Tzu’s, including nursing bitches, puppies and adult dogs were removed.  A total of 68 adult dogs were signed over to the SPCA and brought into the kennels. Basic assessments were conducted on admission and bathing and grooming was made possible by the fantastic support and assistance we received from all corners of the community. Incredible support to assist with the sterilization of all animals was provided by Dr’s Riaan Mulder and Anton Kruger from Westering Vet and the Uitenhage Veterinary Clinic. Basic dental care and nail clipping was also provided by both vets. The SPCA ensured that each dog was inoculated, given the Rabies inoculation and dewormed. We have since been inundated with interested families looking to adopt the dogs and have assessed each application to adopt, performed yard checks at each home and sterilised every dog before they have gone home to ensure no further breeding. Cash donations would go towards the extra costs involved in this huge undertaking and we would like to thank the public for all the interest and support shown to date. 

Contact person

Deirdre Swift


083 415 5181

 Physical Address:



To donate to this organization, banking detail please.

Banking details


- Uitenhage & District SPCA

- 1277004544

- 127716

- Current

- Reference: Algoa Cares