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Ubuntu Beds


Ubuntu Beds offers FREE accommodation to all public healthcare workers in towns and cities across South Africa. Through the online platform, HCW is paired with hotels, B&Bs, lodges or self-catering apartments that are closest to where they are working, to help reduce the risk of the HCW taking the virus home and possibly infecting their families and communities.  

How and when was it started?

The founder, Kim Whitaker launched UB in March, after returning from a business trip to Germany where she contracted coronavirus herself.

After speaking to a doctor in Lombardy, Italy, about how they could have prepared better for the peak of the virus, he said if only they could have housed healthcare workers in empty hotels to keep them from taking the virus home. Kim is also a hotel owner and realised she was in a position to make her rooms available to HCW, and so decided to invite all other accommodation providers to offer their rooms, and so the Ubuntu Beds initiative grew.

This is completely free to HCW in the public sector. How is that possible?

Thanks to donations from the public, and corporate sponsorships like RMB’s First Rand Spire Fund. We are continuing to raise funds and aim to raise R16 million over the next few months in order to house a total of 2500 HCW.

As of the 23rd June we have 993 Accommodation providers 15709 beds,491 HCW signed up, 227 placement to date. Our target is 2500 HCW (countrywide) 


 For HCW this is the signup process?

The process is simple, they sign up on our website and we will send them a 'date request' link. The link is available to them anytime they wish to request a room. When they choose their required dates we match them with accommodation near their hospital and then they check-in. It’s really easy.  The date request link doesn’t expire so we suggest signing up now and then when they know their requested stay dates they can fill them in. Our healthcare worker placement team is available anytime and are really happy to help. We have received some really beautiful feedback from the healthcare workers we have placed so far and it’s been incredibly rewarding.

 How long can the health workers stay at this accommodation?

 HCW usually stay between 7 – 14 days, but for larger group bookings that can be extended

 How can Algoa Country get involved?

We are calling on all nurses, and other medical staff in the public sector to please sign up on the website, www.ubuntubeds.org ASAP.

We really need funding – the more HCW the more funding.. so anything from public donations to big corporates and companies coming on board! 

We are also asking for anyone who can, to please donate to the fund so we can continue offering beds for free. You will find the donation options on our website including a snapscan AR code.

And if you have accommodation that is standing empty, register on our platform and we’ll pair you with health care workers in need.

Most importantly it’s crucial we spread the word, tell your family, your friends, post it on Facebook or Instagram, don’t forget to tag Ubuntu Beds, so more of our nurses hear about us, that this is completely free, and that they CAN stay close to work. The peak is coming we all need to be ready.