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Ubomi Obutsha Centre

Algoa Cares May 11th : Ubomi Obutsha Centre

The very nature of the community and environment surrounding the Ubomi Obutsha Centre makes the lives of all the children living within it vulnerable to the destructive cycle of poverty which will potentially enslave them to unproductive, unsustainable and undignified lives as adults.

Because of the ravages of a past unjust political system this community, and many others like it, finds itself without the resources, facilities, skills or even the caregivers necessary to provide a protective and positive environment in which children can grow and develop constructively on their journey to adulthood. The Ubomi Obutsha Centre aims to address these shortcomings as broadly as possible in three ways:

1. Developing members of the community as volunteers working together with a common vision and objectives to positively impact the lives and development of their own children as well as other children within their reach in the community.

2. Providing resources like food, clothing, school assistance, etc that will meet some of the basic needs of the most vulnerable children in the community and their caregivers.

3. Developing a facility (the Centre building itself) into a venue where vulnerable children and their caregivers can have access to facilities and caring people to encourage productive growth in their lives and where they will be able to participate in programs that build and develop the inward attributes of character needed to apply themselves meaningfully to positive growth in their lives.

Should you wish to make a donation in the form of goods/volunteer or make a financial contribution you will find all the necessary information below.

A list of their needs

  • Food is always needed on an ongoing basis esoecially staple foodstuffs like  .
  • School uniforms/staionary.school bags/toiletires
  • Cash donations to go towards the running costs of the organisation. No amount is too big or too small.
  • Contact person

Mark Lawler /Director

  • Tel/Cell:  082 437 4389
  • Physical Address:164 Salamnntu Street
  • Port Elizabeth
  • To donate to this organization, use the banking details below:

Banking details

- Bank                         :        FNB

- Account Name        :        Ubomi Obutsha Centre

- Account Number     :        62129245355

- Branch Code           :        261050             

- Account Type :        :       CURRENT ACCOUNT

- Reference                :        Algoa Cares

''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring