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Tsesiko's Child and Youth Care Cluster House

Our Goal

Our goal is to identify more vulnerable children, to expand the programme and housing facility and to register the name Tikiso’s Children and Youth Centre for vulnerable children. We also aim to mainstream and expand the Orphanage for neglected children, currently residing at a home provided by us (1 Orpenstreet, Smithfield, Free State) by providing care, support and protection through shelter, food, education and medical care. We also aim to accommodate disabled children.


Our Mission

To develop orphans, HIV/Aids and vulnerable children physically and psychologically to become confident, responsible, productive citizens of South Africa.


Problem Statement

In our project area, Smithfield in the Free State, there are many orphans and vulnerable (neglected) children (OVC’s). The problems concerning orphans and neglected children are acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Owing to the death of HIV/AIDS-affected persons, re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorced women, absence of love and security in the families, family disputes, unwanted pregnancies and sexually exploited girls, these orphans and neglected children are left without care and support. The children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social and criminal activities.

The worrying socio-economic situation is exacerbated by the severe drought which the Free State is experiencing and by the consequent prevalence of hunger.  Smithfield is a small rural town and there are no funding opportunities locally.

Our Response (Solution)

At the current facility, there are 18 orphans between the ages of 1 and 19 years and 5 neglected children between the ages of 9 and 14 years.  Recently more children joined the home.

We have been sheltering and caring for orphaned and vulnerable children for the last three and half years with our own salaries and pension funds.

The aim of the new orphanage home is to expand the care we provide to approximately 50 orphaned and neglected children. Special care and monitoring of teenagers will be provided. Children will be encouraged and motivated to complete all schooling and to apply and acquire funding or bursaries for tertiary or other higher qualification. The children are currently being provided with 3 meals each day, one set of books and 2 sets of uniforms. Every child has the opportunity for both in-door and out-doors recreation and play facilities along with training in arts and crafts and hobbies.

We envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection at Tsekiso's House.

This project seeks funding for support to run the orphanage and neglected children's home for 23 children in Tsekiso’s House. At this stage we provide a home and pay the following items from our own salaries and pension funds.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Electricity
  • Clothing
  • Blankets
  • Food
  • Transport Costs
  • Beds
  • After Care Services, etc.

Objectives of the new NPO, home:

  • Provide care, support, safety and protection for approximately 23 orphaned and neglected children. (For every six children there would be one adult supervising.)
  • Provide special care and monitoring of teenagers.
  • Encourage and motivate children to complete all schooling and to acquire funding or bursaries for tertiary or other forms of higher learning.
  • Create job opportunities in the surrounding local community
  • Provide food security and nutritional understanding
  • Attend to the hygiene of the children
  • Provide a clean home and clean clothing
  • Provide security and gardening services for the home
  • Provide after-school services to assist with school projects and homework
  • Employ pre-school teachers
  • Provide (for)) visits to doctors and clinics
  • Provide (for) dental Care
  • Organize a Christmas Day function
  • Combat all anti-social and/or criminal behavior


Project Activities: 

  • Teaching facilities for basic education.
  • Teaching facilities for vocational courses and crafts.
  • Lodging and boarding facilities.
  • Recreational facilities.
  • Primary health
  • Requirements for the Home
  • Financial assistance with clothes, electricity, food, blankets, transport and after care services
  • Additional toilet facilities (need to be built)
  • Additional rooms (need to be built)
  • Kitchen with the necessary kitchen appliances
  • Study area with furniture for homework and schooling support
  • Additional bathrooms with necessary amenities (need to be built)
  • Home renovations – painting;  fencing for additional security
  • Garden equipment
  • Borehole, submersible pump and JoJo Tanks (due to the lack of water supply in Smithfield. This will supply water to the home for cooking, gardening, washing and hygiene).
  • 2 x Computers and printers for School Projects and homework as well as internet facilities.
  • Office equipment, tables, chairs cabinets
  • Transport of children to school and back. To sports as well as holidays, to clinics, hospitals etc.

List of my needs

  • Any clothes for boys ages 1 to 14 winter and summer clothes
  • Any clothes for girls ages 1 year to 16 years summer and winter clothes
  • Bedding blankets, duvets, duvet covers any linen
  • Stove Gas or electrical
  • Wardrobes
  • Bath Towels
  • Swimming Costumes
  • Food
  • Meat (it is very expensive to supply children with meat every day)
  • Kitchen utensils
  • JO-JO Tank 5000liter and a pressure pump. We do have an equip borehole but is desperate for the tank to supply the house with water as the Town Smithfield is more without water than with water.

I need R 10 000-00 for the Tank, pump, pipes etc. I am desperate for that.

  • I need tires for our Kombi which I use to take children to school and back it must be commercial tires because of passengers. Size is 215/65 R16C it must be 4 tires. Quotes that I received were 2000-00 a tire in total R 8000-00
  • The school has changed their uniforms and it is only available at the school at a cost of R1000-00 per child. 16 Children in total at School= R 16 000-00

Any donation to Tsekiso Child and youth Cluster House will be welcome. If I need to get everything in order I will need cash in hand R80 000-00 that is what my budget is running short of

Contact Person

Elna Mong


1 Orpenstreet



Banking Details

Account Name: Tsekiso Child and Youth Cluster House

Account Number:  62772826271

Branch Code: 230534

Account Type: Current

Referance : Algoa Cares