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The Relate Trust

 Who we are

We are all connected, and each of us has the opportunity, responsibility and privilege to be agents of social change.

Relate bracelets are handmade and sold to make a difference and change lives. As a 100% not-for-profit social enterprise, the majority of our revenue is donated to credible causes and invested in social upliftment initiatives, with a focus on creating opportunities for all involved, at every stage of a project.

Whenever you buy and wear Relate bracelets, you know that your contribution will reach the causes and people for whom it was meant, and ultimately change lives.

Changing lives every step of the way.

  • Our Relate bracelet Makers, from the elderly to refugees and township youth, earn an income.
  • Wherever possible, we upskill our Makers to move beyond Relate.
  • Our Causes earn revenue through bracelet sales.
  • Corporates who initiate projects with us enjoy exposure and brand building.
  • Our Retail Partners benefit from positive brand associations and increased store traffic.
Relate is all about impact. From raising awareness about causes to creating jobs that in turn raise funds for these NPO’s. Over 60% of our income is donated to credible Causes and invested in social upliftment initiatives.
  • Donate: Approximately a third of our proceeds are donated to Causes. Relate bracelets have supported over 100 charitable causes, to date
  • Invest: Approximately a third of our proceeds are also invested in creating earning opportunities, skills training and enterprise development initiatives.
  • Costs: A portion of our proceeds are used for Relate materials and running costs.

View our most recent annual reports.


Relate bracelets have supported over 100 charitable Causes, to date.

We’re proud to have helped to:

  • Feed both human and animal orphans.
  • Educate children.
  • Treat diseases.
  • Teach skills.
  • Look after the frail and elderly.
  • Bring clean water to villages.


We’re committed to empowering individuals, as well as and growing enterprise initiatives:

  • We give township seniors dignity, companionship and earnings to support their families and AIDS-orphaned grandchildren.
  • We offer disadvantaged young adults earning potential and skills training opportunities.
  • We assist disadvantaged fledging organisations’ growth, thereby creating economic and growth opportunities for others.
  • We nurture future entrepreneurs.

Running Costs

We operate in the same manner as public company:

  • We’re 100% transparent about and accountable for how we spend the proceeds of every Relate bracelet.
  • We send Cause payment confirmation to every wholesale customer.
  • Our financial statements are available to view on request.

Over 60% of our income is donated to credible causes and invested in social upliftment initiatives.

Contact :

+27 21 418 3144

Physical address

1st Floor, The Harrington
50 Harrington Street
Cape Town, South Africa 8001