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Simon Bechus

The Re-Trade Project

The ReTrade Project is passionate about restoring hope and dignity to the poor and marginalized of our city by building relationship and giving access to resources in which individuals previously would have been unable to ascertain. We also feel equally as passionate about educating and training these individuals, and the community at large, in environmental issues and good stewardship of the earth in which we share!

We work with the following groups:

  • Communities, providing a platform for community recycling & environmental education;
  • Organisations, partnering in development, artisanal green products and sustainable eco-focussed projects;
  • Individuals, developing trading skills and increasing their capacity and work ethic;
  • Children and families, encouraging education and participation through community programmes.

“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” – Margaret Meade

“Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.” - Nelson Mandela

“If you cannot feed 100 people, feed just one.” – Mother Theresa


To see the upliftment of people and the environment.


  • To deliver a much needed ‘value-for- value’ system through the practice of trading goods. We whole-heartedly believe in giving a hand-up to empower instead of a hand-out which enables.
  • To promote strong work ethic, ingenuity, and responsibility
  • To empower individuals to become self-sufficient through available means
  • To reach across cultural and socio-economic boundaries with compassion and care, giving aid and direction to felt needs which arise
  • To provide opportunities for unskilled individuals to learn basic skills through our recycling training.
  • To create awareness regarding the environmental crisis
  • To educate individuals and communities in more sustainable living practices and to view waste in a creative way through our open days and skills training.
  • To equip traders, volunteers, donors and community members with skills and knowledge in making a difference in stewarding the world in which we live.

Mission & Purpose

To assist individuals who need immediate aid by providing for their basic human needs as well as educating them and the wider community in eco-sustainable practices.

This will be achieved through providing an opportunity to access our bartering program, recycling skills training and special open-days.


Restoration of dignity, work ethic, pride, ingenuity and responsibility

Promoting compassion, relationship, empowerment, sustainability and stewardship


Find all the details of how you can help us to help the needy via our Facebook page.

The Retrade Project falls under the financial management and auditing procedures of Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship. It should be noted that all funds and donations should be referenced clearly for allocation purposes. All finances sent to The Retrade Project are accounted for in a closed circle account which is used solely for the purposes of The Retrade Project initiative.

Account details for donations :

Account Name : Fountain VCF

Branch Number : 050017

Bank and Number : Standard Bank Business/Cheque 080399436

Port Elizabeth

Reference must include Retrade