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The PE Gilbert and Sullivan Society on Algoa Cares

Algoa Cares : 24th August:  The Port Elizabeth Gilbert & Sullivan Society

The PE Gilbert & Sullivan Society is an amateur, community based theatre company operating since 1932 using the wonderful multi-cultural talent that our city has to offer.  The Society is committed to providing the opportunity to experience working on a theatrical production to all residents, particularly young people, and focuses on developing both theatre making skills and life skills such as leadership, teamwork, organisation and discipline. 
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Their top 3 projects are :

1 - Savoy Refurbishment

The Society owns and operates out of the Savoy Theatre in Adcockvale and is currently working to renovate the theatre in order to generate more income from hiring and ultimately become financially self sufficient

2 - Northern Areas Arts Access Project

In what we hope will be the first of many similar projects, G&S will launch this project in the January school holidays where 20 young people from the Northern areas will be offered training in acting, singing and dance which will culminate in a performance for family, friends and the public.  Funds raised will be used to provide transport, meals and secure professional teachers.

3 ? Crazy for You production in 2016

Participants in the Arts Access programme plus others drawn from all areas of the metro will be further offered the chance to develop both performance and technical skills by working on a full scale musical production.  Funds raised will be used for transport and to cover show related expenses for young people aged 16 to 25 from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

Should you wish to donate goods to this NPO or offer financial assistance, you will find all the information you need below.

A list of their needs

Savoy refurbishment:  -     Funds

  • Plumbing, Bricklaying, Tiling and other trade services and supplies

  • Furniture including lounges and new bar tables and chairs

  • Paint

Arts Access Project -  Funds

  • Transport & Meals - funds or sponsors

  • a group of people from the Northern Areas willing to form a committee to oversee the project

Contact person:     Rose Cowpar

Tel/Cell:            Cell ? 072 906 1977

Physical Address: The Savoy Theatre, cnr Diaz rd & Stirk St, Adcockvale

Banking details:    

Bank:                 FNB Newton Park, Branch Code 261050

Account Name: Port Elizabeth Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Account Number:      53430070804

Account Type: Savings

Reference:        Algoa Cares

''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society?s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.? MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring