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The Khusela Ikhaya Project on Algoa Cares

Algoa Cares October 5th : The Khusela Ikhaya Project.

What is the Khusela Ikhaya Project all about?

To date they have focused their efforts in the Western Cape but now their focus lies in our region. Their primary intervention focuses on the ECD (early childhood development) centers, as these are very much the hubs of a community. When these structures are destroyed in fires it presents a very challenging scenario to parents who have nowhere to leave their children while trying to rebuild their lives.

 The Khusela Ikhaya Project?s aim is to prevent rapid spreading shack fires through the application of a specificallyformulated intumescent (fire retardant) paint.

Image title

It takes less than two minutes for a single shack to be completely engulfed by flames ? and this, from a simple fallen candle or paraffin lamp. Year on year raging shack fires consume countless homes and destroy precious lives. The last five years have seen an average of 10 shack fires a day rage throughout South Africa, with someone dying in a shack fire every other day.

Since launching in July last year they have not only painted in excess of 1500 structures across the Western Cape but added education platforms, social upliftment programs, feeding platforms and sports development to their focus. They wish to do the same work in the Eastern Cape.

?Together with some of our current partners (JAM S.A., MPACT and Transception), we will be launching this initiative in Eastern London and Nelson Mandela Bay in mid September. We will be painting 9 ECD?s in Duncan Village with fire retardant paint, establishing feeding platforms to feed roughly 600 children for a year and will hand out educational books and toys. Later in the month we focus on a special needs school in PE and a pilot painting project adjacent to the Nelson Mandela Bay airport. ? says Justin Zietsman ? Executive Director for the Khusela Ikhaya Project.

The Khusela Ikhaya Project holds regular painting events in informal settlements across the country. These events are open to visiting volunteers from abroad, local volunteer groups, students and corporates wishing to give back and use their platform for social responsibility or teambuilding.

?By protectively painting the home of someone living in an informal settlement, where fires are prevalent, volunteers will make a visible and lasting difference.? continues Zietsman.

While the paint is largely functional it will also provide potential for the beautification of these environments.

Not only will the Khusela Ikhaya Project make areas safer from fire but will also provide training and much needed work opportunities to the citizens living there as well. The project will create numerous jobs and has partnered with the EPWP (extended public works program) to implement this solution.



Volunteers to paint

Visit www.khuselaikhaya.org or

Email info@khuselaikhaya.org for more details on how to get involved.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/khuselaikhayaproject for more details and regular events.


Justin Zietsman, Executive Director

083510 2833  

Email: justin@khuselaikhaya.org

Should you wish to make a donation to this worthy cause these are their banking details.

Banking details



- Account Number: 1127951793

- Branch Code: 106012

- Account Type: Current

- Reference: Algoa Cares

''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society?s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.? MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring