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The Jeffrey's Bay Support Trauma Centre on Algoa Cares

Algoa Cares July 6th : The Jeffreys Bay Trauma Support Centre

This NPO offers comprehensive trauma counselling services to survivors of any type of trauma, including survivors of rape, domestic violence, child abuse, home invasions, crime, attempted suicides, anyone affected by a completed suicide etc. Their aim is to support the survivor,and anyone else affected, until they regain a sense of control over their lives. They offer general counselling to members of the community who may be facing challenges or having difficulty coping.  They provide debriefing to emergency personnel and community members, facilitate support groups at schools, and also provide Trauma Counselling training workshops to teachers, social workers and community members throughout the Kouga Koukamma district.

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Should you wish to get involved with this organization by way of volunteering or you would like to make a donation of goods or offer some financial aid, you will find all their details below as well as a list of their pressing needs.

We have a Wendy House situated at the SAPS in Jeffreys Bay and it?s in great need of re-varnishing. We?d appreciate some varnish for that. Also, for the Wendy House, 3 loose carpets and a small bar fridge. The Wendy House is our Counselling Centre.

  • Our BIG needs are ? a vehicle, a laptop for intakes and record keeping (ours has reached the end of its span and only works if connected to a power outlet), and money. Having a cash fund allows us to travel and visit schools in the district and to also conduct our training sessions. At present, our Traumatologist is supposed to receive a monthly stipend of R3000. However, we?ve not been able to meet that as our services are offered free to those who need it, which essentially means Maryke works for free.

 CONTACT : Maryke Pretorius (Traumatologist)

  • (Cell 076708 6100)

  •  ADDRESS  6 Woltemade Street, JEFFREYS BAY


  • J-Bay Trauma Support Centre

  • First National Bank

  • Cheque Account

  • Account no. 62282224725

  • Reference : Algoa Cares

''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society?s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.? MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring