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St Francis Hospice Eastern Cape

St Francis Hospice is dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with life-limiting illnesses. Through love, care and professional medical support we provide a programme of palliative care which encompasses the holistic care of patients whose disease is no longer responsive to curative treatment.

Support also extends to the household members of those afflicted.

Providing a service of care and support, St Francis Hospice is available to the communities of the Nelson Mandela Metropole and Kouga areas.

No charge is directly levied for the care we offer, but we do encourage those who can afford it to make a contribution towards the costs which currently run to on average R1650 per patient, per month.

St Francis Hospice is a member of the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA) and is committed to upholding the national standards of the Association. 

“You matter because you are. You matter until the very last moment of your life, and we will do all we can – not only to help you die peacefully, but to live until you die.” Dame Cecily Saunders – Founder of the Modern Hospice Movement

How can you help?

St Francis Hospice relies heavily on volunteers for assistance in many areas.  The success of Hospice can be attributed to the hard work of many dedicated men and women who, over the years, have generously offered their time and expertise to the cause.

The following are areas in which volunteers are most effective:

Patient Care:  On completion of training in the field of Patient Care, volunteers are a valuable asset to our Hospice and are deployed

to care for patients in their own homes.

Bereavement Support:  On completion of the bereavement course, trained volunteer counsellors help families to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Hospice Shops:  Help us meet customer needs with a friendly face and willing hands.

Tending our Gardens:  A group of volunteers keep the Hospice garden in tip-top condition.  Share your knowledge and love of plants with us.

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator, Lynn Fitt, 072 566 1918 or nigelyn@telkomsa.net

Bono, frontman of Irish rock band U2 said: “In life, you try your best to hold on tight to your dignity, in death sometimes others have to hold onto it for you. The premise of hospice care is very close to the bone for me. The hospice was available to look after my father before he died of cancer. These people are kind of angels. They escort you to the door of your death; they are the midwives for delivery into your next life. The comfort and relief they provide is exponential, it spills over to family, friends and colleagues. It is a blessing that everyone should be able to receive. In the poorest of countries, where so many people are fighting for their lives, the conditions of death don’t get much of a look in. But how we care for the sick and dying is surely a litmus test of our humanity. Just as we fight for equality in life, so we should fight for equality in death.”

At St Francis Hospice we embrace these words and thank our loyal supporters for their financial support which enables us to provide comfort and relief to our patients and their families.

Please support one of the programmes listed below and join us in our mission to alleviate human suffering in our community.

Financial Support

Choose a Service to support

Make a Bequest

Someone once said, “One of the noblest things a person can do, is to plant a small tree that will one day give shade to people unknown.” Your Will can have the same powerful significance of that small tree.  Remembering St Francis Hospice in your Will is a gift to the future life, in remembrance of your own life. And just like a small tree, your bequest can grow, becoming a living, sheltering extension of your own appreciation of life. At Hospice we care for the living – and you can share in the caring, through your Will, by making this last, most important gift that will make you forever part of the circle of caring that is St Francis Hospice.

Once you’ve decided on the bequest you wish to make, all that remains is to ask your attorney to draft the appropriate clause for inclusion in your Will. If you do make St Francis Hospice part of your Will, please let us know by emailing trevor@stfrancishospice.za.org. The saddest thing is not being able to say “Thank You!” for your gesture. We would also appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you options that may reflect your particular area of interest and support. These funds are deposited in the St Francis Hospice Trust as security for the sustainability of this vital service.


There are many ways in which you can make a real difference for the patients of St Francis Hospice.

Make a once-off donation | Donate R50/R100 a month | Donate to a project | Leave a gift in your Will

Select your preferred method of donating and follow the easy steps via our website: https://hospice-pe.co.za/Donate/