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Sports Revolution

The NPO Sports Revolution was formed in 2003 by committed community leaders and sports activists who have been involved in sports in disadvantaged communities of the Eastern Cape for more than 30yrs. SR is reaching hundreds of children, youth, and adults with this comprehensive approach to sports development.

Sports Revolution is dedicated to working with disadvantaged and rural communities of South Africa to provide them with sporting opportunities for a brighter sporting future.

We have developed a comprehensive, people-centered response to address the unique needs of our community. Our integrated services are encompassed by six programs:  rural communities’ sports development, revitalizing school sports in disadvantaged communities, talent management, development of sports hubs, and development of sports facilities.

 Rural Communities Sports Development

Conduct sports tournaments that will see rural Clubs and schools getting an opportunity to participate in sports, thereby getting an opportunity to compete on equal terms with their peers in the urban and more developed communities of the country.

Revitalizing School Sports in Disadvantaged Communities

Conduct coaching clinics in local schools to ensure that learners enjoy extra mural activities that will allow them to grow in totality. We would revive the old schools’ rivalries by organizing frequent mini-tournaments involving rival schools.

 Sports Events, Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences

Help sports organizations, clubs, and federations, to organize quality sports events that will encourage more involvement of our communities, sponsors, and funders in sports. We also assist local and regional municipalities and federations to develop and implement their sports development strategies.

Talent Management and Marketing

We serve as a conduit through which disadvantaged players access sporting opportunities that will see them play at the highest level of the game. Make that these talented local players are well managed and marketed locally, nationally, and internationally.

Development of  A Sports Academy

Garner support from the local, national, and international business community for the development of a township sports academy that will nurture local talent. This will ensure that children from disadvantaged communities are provided equal opportunities as their peers in affluent communities.

Development and Refurbishment of Community and Schools Sports Facilities

We believe every kid has a right to a decent playing field. We advocate and garner resources to build or develop existing school and community sports fields.

Pictured below : MD AND Founder Bantwini Matika


Bantwini Matika -  0769221915

Managing Director

Sports Revolution

Registration-No 138-777 NPO

Should you wish to make a donation :

 Bank:  Post Bank

- Account Number: 00103401181

- Reference: Algoa Cares

 Physical Address:

73 Mdani Street

Zwide Township



Current Project: Caltex June 16 Ekasi Schools Sports Festival (8 schools participating in Soccer, Netball, and Rugby)

Our Needs: Website, branding material, laptops, Bakkie, Container to store sport equipment