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Sithandiwe on Algoa Cares

Algoa Cares July 27th : Sithandiwe 

Sithandiwe NPO is active in Kwazakhele, Port Elizabeth and currently focuses on two projects, the Siyanqoba soup-kitchen and the Malukhanye Pre-school.

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The story behind the Sianqoba soup kitchen :

15 years ago Thobeka Mduduma and her family and friends responded to the needs of their community in Kwazakhele by starting a Soup-kitchen from their family home, initially using their own resources. Siyanqoba Soup-kitchen has grown over the years and their current funding enables them to feed 80 children and vulnerable people 6 days a week. The meal is served at midday from their family home, and consists of a bowl of soup and samp. A unique feature of this soup-kitchen is that the cooking and serving  is done by volunteers within the community who are currently themselves unemployed.

The story behind the Malukhanye ? Pre-school :

At the age of 46 Thobeka Mduduma enrolled in night school and completed her matric in 2004. She then started at the Early Learning Centre in Bird street and qualified as a pre-school teacher at the end of 2007. The building of their pre-school is currently at roof height and with additional funding could be completed by the end of the year. The pre-school will cater exclusively for this previously disadvantaged community, a community which is poverty stricken and has insufficient facilities.

  • Should you wish to get involved with this organization by way of volunteering or you would like to make a donation of goods or offer financial assistance in any way, you will find all their details below.

The banking details are as follows:

Account holder: Sithandiwe (089-610-NPO)

Bank: Nedbank Branch code: 198765

Account number: 2002925879

Reference : Alogoa Cares

Contact Person :  Thobeka Mduduma : 0833892987

  • Physical Address :

1756 Befile Street


''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society?s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.? MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring