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Share your heart for Madiba Day

We?re inviting you to join the Algoa Cares Madiba Day celebrations when we open up our hearts to share the love and warmth from Saturday, 16 July to Monday, 18 July 2016.

We start with making 2500 litres of soup on Saturday in Port Elizabeth, 250 000 meals on Sunday in East London, and end off on Mandela Day making Snugglers (sleeping bags) for the homeless in the George area.

Clearly we have our hands full this Madiba Day and we need your help!

So roll up your sleeves, open your hearts and share some warmth with Algoa Cares, Radisson Blu Hotel, Hemingways Mall and Eden Lions.

Below is more detail on how you can get involved.

Port Elizabeth

You?re invited:

Date: Saturday, 16 July 2016

Time: 10am ? 5pm

Place: Pollock Beach (lawn), opposite Radisson Blu Hotel

Join the Algoa FM presenters and Radisson Blu Hotel chefs to make 2500 litres of soup and sandwiches to feed the hungry for your 67-minute contribution. Ten worthy non-profit organisations in Port Elizabeth will benefit.

A kitchen will be set-up in a marquee to make the soup and the sandwiches, and all the ingredients will be provided. We just need as many volunteers as possible to reach our goal for the day.

For more info contact Janice Janse van Rensburg on (041) 509 5000 or email marketing.plzzr@radissonblu.com

To make an additional contribution, we would be most grateful for donations of the following:

  • A food parcel to the value of R67

  • A tin or bag of pet food

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East London

You?re invited:

Date: Sunday, 17 July 2016

Time: 8am ? 8pm

Place: Hemingways Mall (Area adjacent to the gym)

Join Algoa FM?s Gordon Graham and Jeff Moloi for your 67 minutes when we package

250 000 meals with STOP HUNGER NOW! These meals will provide 967 children with five meals a week for an entire year.

We need 1 680 volunteers to help us reach our target. All meals packaged will benefit

non-profit organisations in East London.

For more info contact Est?e Roos on 043 721 3181 / 073 291 0364 or e-mail estee@hemingwaysmall.co.za

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You?re invited:

Date: Monday, 18 July 2016

Time: 10am -2pm

Place: Eden Meander Lifestyle Centre

Join Algoa FM and Eden Lions for 67 minutes to make Lions Snugglers (sleeping bags) for the homeless in the George area. Snugglers are sleeping bags made from newspapers and other recyclable material. 

It takes about 20 minutes to make a Snuggler, so volunteers should be able to make three in their 67 minutes to honour the memory of Nelson Mandela. 

Donations of blankets are also welcome.

Charlton and Eden Lions will be handing out the Snugglers and blankets in the Blanco community, along with soup and bread, on the same evening.

For more info contact Carl Van Blerk on (044) 826 0731 / 082 826 0731 or e-mail carl@edenlions.org.za

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  • Love Story

Our main projects include community upliftment through the rebuilding of homes and shacks, supply of household equipment and food parcels to families in need, a feeding scheme meeting the needs of the homeless in the city, offering support to disadvantaged early childhood development centres, and distribution of necessities to new moms in hospital and toys for children.

Website: lovestory

  • Healing Hands

Healing Hands Foundation was founded in the year 2010 and includes the following projects; a soup kitchen which feeds 15000 people on a monthly basis around Port Elizabeth, clothes and food donations to the underprivileged, HIV and AIDS education for youths, a school retention programme, life skills and entrepreneurship skills development.

Website: healinghandscp

  • Missionvale Care Centre

The Missionvale Care Centre was founded in 1988 and provides love and care for the poor and destitute of Missionvale, with particular emphasis on those living with HIV/AIDS. The centre provides the following services; Missionvale Care Centre Academy, Child Support & Development Programme, Adult Skills Development, Community Gardens, Crafter?s Unit, Medical Unit, nutrition and wellness unit and a clothing warehouse.

Website: missionvale

  • Walmer Development Community Forum

The Walmer Community Development Forum is an organisation dedicated to feeding needy children in Quebera (Walmer Township) and was established in 1952. The centre supports 20 cr?ches in the Quebera area with their feeding scheme, feeding in excess of 1000 children, where the children do not receive government funding. In many cases the food that the children receive atcr?ches is their only substantial meal of the day.

Website: walmercdf

  •  CareHaven Psychiatric Centre

Care Haven Psychiatric Centre accommodates 70 residents with a history of mental illness from ages 18 to 54, ranging from Bipolar mood disorders to various forms of depression and schizophrenia. Services provided by the organisation include psychological full time nursing care, and an Arts and Crafts Centre where they are taught various skills which serves to empower them and open doors for their future.

Website: carehavenpe

Animal Anti-Cruelty League

AACL PE operates in the Northern Areas with their Veterinary Clinic based in Cleary Park.  Their aim is to sterilize as many animals as possible, launching mass spayathons and dipathons. The organisation deals with abuse, neglect and serious cases of dogfighting, chaining and overbreeding. To identify instances of abuse, the team goes into the community with their Mobile Clinic vans, covering two areas per day and reaching ten areas per week. Animals for rehoming are placed in foster homes.

Website: aacl

Siyanqoba Soup Kitchen & Malukhanye Pre-school

Sithandiwe NPO was formed in 2011 to support the community work of Thobeka Mduduma in Kwazakhele. Through the organisation  Thoneka aims to increase and maintain the provision of a nutritious meals to needy children within the community of Kwazakhele, build and support a pre-school from Befile Street (Kwazakhele), and facilitate and support projects to promote economic self-sufficiency by empowering individuals within the community.

Facebook link

POPS Foundation

The POPS Foundation - People Opposing Poverty in Society - alleviates povertyby feeding and clothing the underprivileged and the destitute. On a monthly basis they contribute to over 60 000 meals via various feeding initiatives at soup kitchens, daycare centres, children's homes, food parcels to families in need and senior citizens at old age homes.POPS also assists when disasters such as fire and floodingstrikes.

Facebook link: ThePOPSFoundation

Cat Care

Cat Care?s mission is to control and stabilize the feral cat population in Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas, through identifying feral colonies, sterilization of the ferals and promoting the cat's health and welfare through the implementation of feeding programmes. Cat Care also treats sick feral cats wherever necessary and possible.

Facebook: CatCarePortElizabeth

Algoa Bay Council for the Aged

ABCA was started 1966 and provides social work services and service centres for the elderly. Currently they manage the Buffelsfontein residence and a living centre called Cuylerholmes. Services include; social workers for counselling and advice on alternatives to institutional care, guidance on future care, administration of pensions, elder abuse prevention, and assistance with admission to frail care. The service centres are open daily to provide midday meals and opportunities for social interaction for the elderly.
