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(SASAPO : South African Sentenced and Awaiting Trial Prisioners 0rganisation)

The organisation’s main objectives are to assist the Department of Correctional Service with skills development programmes to its offender population countrywide, it seeks to address and assist the offenders willing to be reintegrated and rehabilitated back into society.

A key feature of successful crime prevention strategies is the attention to the social reintegration of an offender into the community and the development of interventions designed to reduce the levels of recidivism. Community safety makes it imperative that government and communities develop these effective interventions that will assist released offenders to successfully reintegrate.

The Challenge facing released offenders is finding employment, so with accredited skills certification they at least become employable. In the absence of material, psychological and social support at the time of their release, offenders have a very difficult time breaking the cycle of release and re – arrest. SASAPO therefore, offers prior – release interventions that continue post – release to ensure an effective adjustment into society.

SASAPO is recognised by the Department of Correctional Service and it assists the Department in conflicts between offenders and officials of the Department. SASAPO has also partnered with other government institutions i.e. The Department of Home Affairs who assist offenders with Identity Documents free of charge.

SASAPO sources funding from various SETA’s, government institutions including the private sector and appoints accredited service providers with MSC College, accredited with the MerSETA, being the primary service provider. These service providers provide programmes under their respective domains to different interested groups of offenders prior to their release to assist in their reintegration back into society.

We also work with a panel of attorneys who offer their services to us pro bono in legal issues.

About the NPO’s founder : 

Mr Phindile Zweni, comes from a SAPS background with 16 years in the service and founded, registered the South African Sentenced & Awaiting Trial Prisoners Organization (SASAPO) as a Non profit organization.

He is assisted by the following valued members;
Ms Phateka Dolomba (Secretary General)
Ms Ntombizanele Adoons (Financial)
Mr Oscar Matiso (Operations)
Ms Sinovuyo Tana (Administrator)

Successful projects include :

SASAPO has secured funding for potential artisans training for released offenders to be trained in all aspects of artisans.

Project 2:

SASAPO also engaged with potential employers to give released offenders and trained ex-offenders a second chance of employability opportunity.

List of Needs:

 We need second hand office furniture, a laptop or two, equipment for ex- offenders like welding, plumbing kits and financial assistance.

Physical address : 

Street Address: 6 Bon Accord Street

Suburb: Adelaide

Town: Adelaide

Province: Eastern Cape

Contact person: Phindile Zweni 

 Contact Number: 0760272756