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The Santa Shoebox Project

Each year the Santa Shoebox Project collects and distributes personalized gifts of essential items and treats for underprivileged children throughout South Africa and Namibia.

In 17 years, your generosity has reached 1 152 587 children.

We'd love you to join us and make a difference in the lives of thousands of children this festive season.

This short video will tell you everything you need to know about joining our campaign.

Go to santashoebox.org.za if you would like to become a part of this initiative.

The SSP Legacy also brings permanent change to the lives of Santa Shoebox beneficiary children and to the impoverished communities in which they live, by establishing new and transforming existing Early Childhood Development Centres in rural South Africa, with a focus on infrastructure & DBE (Department of Basic Education) registration, teacher training, early literacy and water solutions.


You should find all you need to know on our most frequently asked questions page.

If not feel free to contact us; we are available Monday to Friday 9 am – 3 pm:

Email: info @ santashoebox.org.za (no spaces)

Cell: +27 82 884 7639 (WhatsApp only)

Cell: +27 76 491 2407 (WhatsApp and SMS only)

Fax: +27 86 766 5150

PO Box 107

We look forward to Algoa Country joining us for Christmas 2023!