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Reach for a Dream on Algoa Cares

Algoa Cares 3rd August :  Reach for a Dream

Reach For A Dream fulfills the dreams of children aged 3-18 yrs, diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses such as cancer and leukaemia, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy, kidney failure and blood disorders.
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RFAD fulfils +/-140 dreams per year in the PE region, to provide these children with a sense of hope, bring some laughter to their lives and help them believe that tomorrow is worth fighting for. There are countless children and their families in our region who are strained emotionally, physically and financially by these life-threatening illnesses.

RFAD seeks to alleviate the strain that a life-threatening illness takes on these children and their families by providing the sick child with the opportunity to realise a presonal dream.

One of their biggest annual fund raisers is Slipper Day. You can assist this organisation by purhcasing your ten rand sticker AND wearing your slippers to work on Firday the 5th fo August. Stickers can be purchased from Reach for a Dream itself or from any Wimpy outlet.

  • Should you wish to get involved with this organization by way of volunteering or you would like to make a donation of goods or offer financial assistance in any way, you will find all their details below.

Bank:  First Rand Bank ? RMB Johannesburg

Account Name:  Reach For A Dream Foundation

Account Number: 6202 666 0630

Branch Code: 261 251

Account Type: current

Reference: Algoa Cares

Contact Person : Michelle Van Huyssteem/Branch Manager

Phone : 041 583 6507/082 2020 209

Physcial Adress : Protea Hotel

Marine Building

5th Avenue


''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society?s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.? MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring