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Reach for A Dream Foundation - Virtual Slipper Week

Dreams can’t be locked down: Let’s Get Behind Virtual Slipper Week

The Reach For A Dream Foundation endeavours to fulfil a dream for any child, aged between 3- 18 years of all ethnicities and religions, who is suffering from a life-threatening medical condition, and who has a dream. 

The celebrated annual Slipper Day, which is Reach For A Dream’s largest fundraising campaign, was scheduled to happen on 8 May 2020 but due to the lockdown it was postponed resulting in many children who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses are seeing their dreams being put on hold.

Dreams can’t be locked down though and that’s why we’ve partnered with Wimpy to bring you Slipper Week, which will run from 10 -16 August.

Wimpy has been a proud supporter of ours for 6 years and has set up a portal on their website to help drive donations for our little dreamers. All donations from R30 upwards will also be rewarded with a FREE Filter Coffee.

We are calling on all South Africans to come together and join Reach For A Dream between 10 - 16 of August to show support by making a donation https://wimpy.co.za/reach-for-a-dream/ to the Foundation and sharing a Slipper Selfie on social media.

For every donation of R30 and above, a FREE filter coffee voucher will be redeemable from your nearest Wimpy.  

Donations can also be made directly to Reach For A Dream


  • Become a Dream Maker Donor through a monthly or once-off donation towards dreams
  • Support and share our monthly campaigns
  • Donate airtime vouchers (cell phone & tablet dreams)

There are 16 ways to become a friend.  Visit our website www.reachforadream.org.za

The Impact of COVID-19 on our NPO :

 In just one day, the Reach For A Dream Foundation makes dreams come true for six children with life-threatening illnesses. In one year, the Foundation touches the lives of over 30?000 children.  But the COVID-19 lockdown has temporarily grounded this “fairy godmother” to operate as normal… Dream children in are waiting a little longer to benefit from the Foundation’s magic as we take the COVID-19 precautions very seriously to keep the children and their families safe.  We have found new and creative ways to connect with our dreamers on virtual platforms.  Lockdown has also impacted the Foundation’s biggest fundraising campaign, Slipper Day, which was due to take place on 8 May 2020. It has caused a devastating setback in the funding lost aimed at dream fulfilment. 

Contact Details :

Michelle van Huyssteen

041-583 6507 (scattered office days due to Covid-19 policies)

082 20 20 209 – preferable during 2020 Covid-19

Protea Hotel Marine Building

5th Avenue, Summerstrand

Bank:  First National Bank

Account Name:  Reach For A Dream Foundation

Account Number: 6202 666 0630

Branch Code: 261 251

Account Type: current

Reference: Algoa Cares