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Charlton Tobias
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Magic Music Mix
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Charlton Tobias

Partners for Possibility

Partners for Possibility is committed to developing conscious, resilient school principals and business leaders through an extraordinary, action-based process that breaks down barriers, connects people, and inspires change.

Partners for Possibility (PfP), the flagship programme of a non-profit organization, Symphonia for South Africa, is an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning leadership development initiative with a difference.

PfP improves the quality of education in South Africa by capacitating school principals from under-resourced schools and enhancing their leadership skills through partnerships with business leaders. We firmly believe that there is a  pivotal role business should and can play in education.

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

This comprehensive video will tell you everything you need to know about what we do as an NPO.

Our website address is: pfp4sa.org