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Oosterland Child and Youth Care Centre


Oosterland CYCC is situated in Despatch, Eastern Cape, South Africa, and has been a safe haven since 1980 for destitute and vulnerable children who have been found in need of care by the Children’s Court due to abuse, neglect, or being orphaned or abandoned. The aim of Oosterland is to take care of 104 children in a loving environment by empowering them with positive experiences, enabling them to take charge of their own lives and future with dignity and respect.

Oosterland consists out of 7 residential cottages with in-living Child and Youth Care Workers caring for children in a homely environment.  Children attend school, church, sport and cultural activities in the community, whilst a variety of developmental projects are presented at the centre. More than 90% of the children are from the Nelson Mandela Metropole and ages vary from babies up to 18 years.  

Therapeutic needs are addressed by our social workers section, whilst basic health care is the responsibility of our medical staff. Education is very important and for this reason toddlers are enrolled in the Oosterland Educare programme, whilst remedial support is provided by 3 Oosterland educators and 3 tutors to learners with learning challenges. Children attend 13 different schools in Despatch and Uitenhage, and are placed according to their specific educational needs and languages.

A management board oversees the management of the centre, whilst Strydom and Partners ensures that audited financial statements are presented at the annual general meeting of the centre.


Residential care is provided to 104 children in a loving family environment.

Education services includes educare, remedial support, and children attend 13 different schools in Despatch and Uitenhage.

Family reunification services places children in a family in a community to facilitate reunification and foster placement.


Children (0-18 years) in need of care and protection including mentally disabled, victims of child abuse and neglect, children affected and infected by HIV, children affected by poverty, substance abuse and unemployment.


The following needs can be addressed with the support of sponsors and businesses:

monetary contributions

volunteering and acting as a host family for a child

perishable and non-perishable food

usable second hand clothing, toys , books etc.

toiletries and cleaning material

any items to be donated towards the Oosterland Charity Shop


Account name                     : Oosterland Child and Youth Care Centre

Branch                                      : Nedbank Uitenhage

Cheque account                : 1007853859

Branch code                         : 127716


Oosterland reunites between 20-30 children annually.

Oosterland provides bursaries to young adults of Oosterland and has awarded more than 35 bursaries in the last 10 years.

One of our girls is enrolled at UWC as 1st year student studying LLB in 2018

Oosterland has a comprehensive sustainability plan including a catering project, recycling, renting of flatlets, vegetable tunnels, and hiring out business.

The amateur wrestling project of Oosterland involves 12 boys and girls. Wrestlers participated in a national wrestling tournament in Ceres during 9/2016, Johannesburg during 7/2017 and Brackenfell during 5/2018.

Oosterland has a successful beadwork skills development project and products are sold to individuals.


Oosterland Opstal catering business

OJ’s charity shop

Vegetable tunnels

Oosterland hiring business



One of our girls completed grade 12 in 2011. She was a school prefect and excelled in academics and  debate and represented her school at a national competition. She completed her 4TH year B.Ed at NMMU in 2015. She is employed at Middelburg High School since 2016. She is currently busy with her Honours degree.

Contact Person : Riaan Marais 

TELEPHONE                            : 041-9331120, 082 4982 859

ADDRESS                                 : Berg street, Despatch, Nelson Mandela Metro

VISION                                      :  To provide quality child care services to vulnerable and destitute children.