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Malabar Home for the Aged

Established in 1988, the home caters for the frail and the aged in the metro. Although the home was established by Indians for the Indian community, from day one the home has accepted residents irrespective of race, colour or creed. Currently only 25 % of the residents are of Indian origin.

The home provides 24 hour care with a matron, staff nurse and ward aids. Residents are provided with all meals and laundry services. The home receives a nominal subsidy from the Department of Social Services while residents contribute 90 % of their pension towards the running of the home. All other funding is by way of donations of cash or kind by the community and a few businesses.

Out Top Three Projects : 

The laundry alone uses a thousand litres of water a day – we have installed seven water tanks.

There is a waiting list of more than 60 residents. A section of the home is being altered and when ready we will be able to accommodate 12 more residents,

We have established a vegetable garden and a garden of tranquility.

Our list of needs :

Milk – we use ten litres a day

Bread – we use 17 loaves a day

Adult diapers

Cleaning materials


Contact Person : Mogan Segadavan

084 510 2957

24 Hawaorthia Drive


Banking details : 

Account name : Malabar Home for the Aged

Bank : Nedbank

Account Number : 1216150133

Branch Code : 198765

Reference : Algoa Cares