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Lunchbox Theatre with Stuart Palmer

Stuart Palmer  - Chairperson, Company Director, Actor, facilitator, scriptwriter, and director!

Stuart Palmer launched Lunchbox Theatre in the Garden Route in 2008. The team has performed over 860 shows to more than 180 000 kids and has even traveled as far as Zimbabwe, Sweden, and even Iran to attend theatre festivals!

Here in SA, he has traveled all over the South Western and Eastern Cape and KZN with his educational theater troupe!

He is a dynamic team leader who has inspired virtually the same team to go the distance with him for over 10 years.

They are currently touring with the show The Last Drop!

Our story starts in the year 2060 and we have just found the last drop of freshwater. There are no more trees, no fruit or vegetables, we can no longer build houses and everyone is suffering. Something must be done!!

Join Neptune and his younger brother Triton as they try to save us all from this terrible drought. They are joined by the mad professor and the villain Davy Jones on a fun, interactive and informative journey to save the future.

The highly informative and interactive show teaches the learners the importance of this valuable resource and offers practical guidelines about how to save water at home and at school.

Each half-hour show is followed by a half-hour interactive workshop with the whole group that further explores the themes of water conservation.

Have a sneak preview right here!

To find out more about the range of shows and how you can get the Lunchbox team to visit your school, find them on Facebook or go to


OR call :

Tel: 083 795 8377

Cell: 083 423 0083

Fax: 086 520 2656


  • Shows are ideally suited for Grades 1 – 7 and run for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Thand’ Impilo is best suited to Grd 7 – 12 and adults.
  • Most shows are available in English, Afrikaans, or isiXhosa making them accessible to all.
  • You are welcome to utilize the shows as fundraisers for your school or find a sponsor who will benefit by association with this incredible show.
  • You can choose an optional extra FREE 30-minute workshop for up to 30 learners who attended the show.

 Email: stuart@lunchbox.org.za