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Knysna Sedgefield Hospice

Knysna Sedgefield Hospice serves their community by providing palliative, home-based care and support for persons with life-threatening e.g. cancer or life-altering e.g. a stroke or amputation. Our holistic care extends to the families prior to and during the bereavement period.

We do this with a team including a doctor, nurses, social workers, and care workers working together to meet the physical, spiritual and psychosocial needs of patients and their families who meet our referral criteria irrespective of race, age, creed, or gender.

Covid-19 has left our patients poorer than ever before with more than 75% living on SASSA or no income. Having a sick person in the house costs more so the needs of our patients and families increased significantly.

Covid-19 damaged our economy and constantly rising petrol prices ( our spending on fuel went from R14 000 – R17500) make reaching our patients extremely difficult.

  • Our projects include :

Daycare – a weekly support group for adults who are otherwise housebound.

 Home care of the dying patient by the support team

  • A list of our needs

Volunteers to help run our daycare program

Petrol money to get nurses and other team members to their patients.


 Contact person : Sr Hilary Grey 044 3840593 / 082 200 4176

 Physical Address:

24 Wilson Street

Hunters Home


 Banking details for those who may wish to donate :

- Account Name: Knysna Sedgefield Hospice

- Account Number: 1089003145

- Branch Code:198-765

- Account Type: Current Account

- Reference: Algoa Cares