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Jika Uluntu

Jika Uluntu collaborates with communities to deliver well-researched and structured interventions to their beneficiaries. These interventions are measured by a comprehensive monitoring, evaluation, and learning system which enables the capturing of qualitative and quantitative data at an individual and household level. This enables informed periodic review and reliable measurement of short-term and long-term results that can be fed back into the system creating a learning loop.

We have two focus areas :  

 Education and Skills Development or Philanthropy

 Early Childhood Development Preschool/Nutrition

 Homework Support

 Awareness Workshop

 Primary healthcare support

 Psychosocial Programs

 Feeding Scheme

 Health and Welfare,


 Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights

 Psychosocial Health & Mental Wellbeing

 Active Lifestyle

Our current  projects include :

Education: We work in collaboration with local schools and offer supplementary services at the Jika Uluntu Community Centre to improve academic performance.


In the sphere of Health and Well-being:  

We collaborate with the Department of Health to provide  HIV /AIDS education.

 A list of our needs :

 Conversion of our container into a solar-powered training center that will deliver the following :

    • Support school dropouts with homeschooling and attainment of grade 12 certificates
    • Provide them with skills and social entrepreneurship training
  1. For the above the following is needed.
    • Laptops/Computers (10)
    • Smart Screen
    • 10 tables
    • 10 chairs
    • 10 security locks for the laptops/computers
    • Inverter
    • Battery
    • Electrical Wiring
    • Solar Panel
    • File Cabinet
    • White Board
    • Security Bars for windows
    • Air conditioning system for computers
    • Network Server

As pictured below, we seek to create communities in which children can thrive and be taken care of.


Ziyanda Xaso is a Director at Jika Uluntu  - take a look at what this committed member of our team does for our NPO :

Contact Details : Director: Ziyanda Xaso/Cell No: 079 629 7789/Tel No: 043 050 4980

You can also find us on Facebook :  https://www.facebook.com/jikauluntu

Physical Address:  Zekelu Building, Scalfi Road, Crossways Village, Kwelera, East London

For those wishing to make a donation : Bank: Standard Bank

Account Name: Standard Bank

Account Number:281314462

Branch Code: 15063

Account Type: Cheque