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It’s All About Image and Welcome to the World

It’s all about Image and Welcome to the World were registered as non-profit organisations in August 2019. We receive no funding and all purchases are paid out of our own income.

We are active in 3 areas.

Welcome to the World, managed by Jenny Rodemann.

When we got to hear about newborn babies leaving the hospital wrapped in newspaper so we made enquiries and got confirmation that this does actually happen. This was the start of Welcome to the World, as we said that “no baby shall leave a hospital without at least a basic outfit of clothes and baby items. We approached the Matron of the Frere Hospital Maternity Ward who confirmed the need for this service. In September 2019 we donated the first Baby Goods Gift Bags which contained 5 pieces of clothing, a blanket, 10 disposable nappies, vaseline, baby soap and sanitary pads for the mother.

Welcome to the World has been a success and has donated in excess of 150 Gift bags, to the Maternity section of Frere Hospital and other recipients’ have since expanded this service to include pre-mature babies and older babies up to 12 months.

Pictured below: Much needed donations ready for delivery

Our second project: The Stoneydrift Informal Settlement Day Care Centre.

Since December 2019 we have supported the Stoneydrift Day Care centre by facilitating upgrades of the ground, clearing of rubbish. It’s all about Image has given monthly video shows for the children   ( There is no electricity in Stoneydrift so an inverter is used), board games, table tennis and outdoor games like badminton, swing ball, cricket, and volleyball have been donated by It’s all about Image. We arranged a theme Christmas for 62 children where each child got 1 new present. We managed to arrange a tour of the Mercedes Learning Academy for the Matriculates to show that there are many career opportunities besides University education. For the younger children, regular outings are planned.

Our 3rd project is the support of 3 soup kitchens.

We fully support 2 soup kitchens in Milner Estate and the Stoneydrift Soup Kitchen.

At Milner Estate we have Tuesday’s It’s all about Soup Kitchen, equipment like 2 plate gas burner, the monthly supply of 9kg gas weekly supply of 2 buckets of soup, 20 loaves of bread and 12kg of chicken, Sunday’s soup kitchen is by Sue- we supply vegetables when available.

Stoneydrift Soup kitchen feeds the children 4 days a week with nutritious breakfast and a hearty lunch which is also available for the adults. This is administered by Global Mercy Missions. It’s all about Image donates bread and any food donations which we receive.

We were the proud recipients of the 2020 Daily Dispatch Local Hero Award in 2020.


Our Needs List :

Newborn baby clothes, newborn nappies ( size 1 ), blankets, knitted baby items, used gift bags ( about A3 size ),

Assistance with fuel and any other item for newborn babies, as well as maybe a treat for the mother.

Maintainance: putting up a ceiling ( +/- 18 m2 ), repairing the PVC pipes from the children's toilet, sealing the leaking roof, small repairs to the jungle gym, transport for up to 20 children to various outing venues ( Aquarium, Museum, Theater, Factory, Newspaper, Radio Station, Game Reserves), eats/drinks for special occasions, a WII play station with controls and games, soccer balls and soccer team outfits ( this for 16 to 20-year-olds),

Our 2 burner cast iron gas stove was stolen, so we could do with a replacement.  Also needed are any kind of vegetables, non-perishables like rice, samp, soup mixture, spices, oil, meat and/or meaty bones, bread, empty margarine – yoghurt – containers.

Should you wish to make a donation or get involved please contact Klaus Rodemann <aboutimage49@gmail.com>


Acc. No.: 4097551565 – Business Account

Acc. Holder Name:  ITS ALL ABOUT IMAGE

Find us Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1369929453109475