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Isithatha Trust

Isithatha is the Xhosa word for a pinpoint of light in the distance that keeps us from despair.

We aim to promote the creation of a multi-functional facility accessible to people from both sides of the ‘Apple Express’ railway track that is suitable for all the arts, including dance, the visual arts, music and drama.

Isithatha’s mission is to bring a bright new light to a Greater Walmer encompassing Gqebera and the new developments along Victoria Drive and the Buffelsfontein Road.

We seek a radiance that will emerge from the darkness of past conflict, deprivation and ignorance and bring together people from different backgrounds who share a commitment to the arts.

Our major fundraising project right now is our BACKABUDDY CAMPAIGN.

Our project urgently requires equipment to enable our black box theatre to be fully functional. Items such as sound and lighting equipment, seating, office equipment, etc are needed. 

We are currently converting an old home into a community theatre. You can follow the building progress on our Facebook and Instagram pages. @isithatha on FB and @isithathatheatre on Instagram. You can also find us at theatreafrica.com


Or if you can assist in any way please go to :


This is our Mission :

A workshop/performance space that serves to blend cultures and promote a uniquely South African brand of theatre free from segregation.

A space suitable for small audience groups, complete with craft centre, art gallery, sculpture garden, refreshment kiosk, coffee shop and a shop for tourists.

Rehearsal facilities for artists.

Training programmes for playwrights, dancers, performers, musicians etc.

Employment opportunities for artists, performers, administrative personnel, publicists, maintenance workers etc.

A tourist destination that can generate income and where tour groups can witness various types of South African performance, exhibitions etc.

Opportunities to preserve and share the histories and traditions of our various cultural groups through dramatic storytelling performances of the events of the past.

Arts Festivals that promote all of Isithatha’s goals for the Greater Walmer.

Synergy with other local and regional Arts initiatives (e.g. at the Red Location Museum complex).

A spark to ignite enthusiasm for the arts amongst young people from schools in the greater Walmer area.

Cooperation with other interested groups (e.g. the Apple Express Railway enthusiasts).

Healthy entertainment for people from and beyond the Greater Walmer.

The Isithatha Board is in the process of applying for Business Rights and so all plans are on hold until we are able to open officially and legally.  In the interim, the Board maintain the property, use it for meeting venues and for rehearsals.  Unfortunately, no public performances can occur until all the proper procedures have been followed.

Isithatha is led by a passionate group of people who have volunteered their time and services for almost ten years.

All donations to the Isithatha Trust are welcome. These funds will be used to finance the various theatre programmes run by the Trust.