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Heaven?s Missing Angels Feeding Schemes ? (NPO 134 ? 981)

HMA has been in existence for the past 12 years… Founder Ursula Candasamy’s passion to make a difference has led the birth of this NPO. So far we have achieved many of our goals, but we still have a long way to go…. Our aim is to eradicate poverty, but in doing so also to empower and develop less fortunate members of our community to achieve our goals. To motivate the kids through various positive projects, such as going green projects, skills development projects and sports and recreation. 

Top 3 projects:

1. Launching of Soup Kitchens – We launch a new Soup Kitchen in a needy area every year and then work towards sponsorships to feed the kids in that neighborhood. 

2. Sowing Seeds of Love Community Garden Project – We were donated seeds and started a vegetable garden. Vegetables from this garden will be donated to soup kitchens in need, thus making the journey a bit lighter for us. Also a book about this project and is currently being sold for an amount of R135.00 to sustain ourselves. We also plan to launch the first and hopefully second book during the month of November 2017. 

3. Sports & Recreation – We encourage partnerships and have recently formed partnership with another NPO called Swift response and who is focused on developing less fortunate kids through sports, mainly soccer. These kids need to eat before they play and therefore HMA has joined them to work together in developing and empowering these children. 

List of needs:

a. The most important need HMA has currently is our own piece of land and a Bakkie of Panel Van to collect donations and deliver where needed… 

b. We need more greenhouses and garden equipment to help us in our Community Garden Project. 

c. Smaller donations would be food donations to soup kitchens, pallets to build chairs and tables for kiddies. Pots and gas stoves, fridges, freezers, for operational needs 

d. Also, a venues need to be sponsored and a PA system, slide and slide projector is very much needed with events and empowering workshops, as well as office equipment, such as laptops, phones and stationary to make our work more easier to complete 

e. Since we have adopted a kiddies soccer club, we require soccer gear for these kids to go onto tournaments, as well as trophies for their awards events 

f. Our last option is to encourage people to please buy our book, as this helps us to cover daily expenses incurred in admin cost, as well as to buy soup mix and bread if not sponsored. 


90% black & 10% white 

Average is from 100 children/ Soup Kitchen, but then growing as they become aware and then 500 – 1500 children and adults, when special annual events, such as Mandela Day and Christmas Day are held, due to popularity. 

A success story 

a) The publishing of our book, “Sowing Seeds of Love”… This has helped us tremendously in achieving some of our goals. 

b) Our first Community Garden – We have already harvested some fresh veggies and donated it to a Soup Kitchen in need who caters for over 150 kiddies 

Contact person 

Ursula Candasamy 

Tel/Cell: 081 042 3032 

Physical Address: 15 Restall Avenue, Mosel, Uitenhage 

To donate to this organization, banking detail please. 

Banking details 

- Bank: Nedbank, Greenacres 

- Account Name: Heaven’s Missing Angels Feeding Schemes 

- Account Number: 107 577 0726 

- Branch Code: 121 617 

- Account Type: Current Account 

- Reference: Algoa Cares