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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi
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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi

Exceptional Nurse Campaign 2021

We are urging the Government to drastically increase the annual Health Budget, to train more professional nurses, and improve healthcare for all.  

50% of the nurses in South Africa are over the age of 50 and will be retiring within the next 10-15 years. Nurse Education Institutions in SA are currently only training 3,400 nurses each year -  but 9,000 are retiring, exiting the profession, or passing away. We need to double the intake of student nurses each year to cope with the healthcare demands of a growing population. The patient staff ratio in some public healthcare facilities is high:  25>1.     

Vision:    To see exceptional nursing care practiced at every hospital and clinic in South Africa

Purpose: To address the critical shortage of Professional Nurses and Health resources in our country

                 To raise the standard of Nursing Practice in all hospitals and clinics

We will do this by: 

  • Creating awareness of the professional nurse shortage in South Africa
  • Raising the status of nurses, promoting a culture of honor and gratitude towards all nurses
  • Recruiting exceptional young men and women
  • Raising finances to help deserving student nurses
  • Encouraging trained nurses to re-enter the profession
  • Mobilizing churches and communities to serve


We will urge the Minister – DoH and the South African Nursing Council to:

  • Increase the annual health budget for SA
  • Increase the national intake of student nurses
  • Improve public nursing college facilities
  • Improve public hospital facilities for patients
  • Improve nursing care for patients
  • Improve working conditions for nurses


Current projects:

  • NURTURE A NURSE MOVEMENT: Donate treats for the nursing staff of public hospitals and clinics - to encourage and appreciate our nursing staff during the month of May – International Nurses Day. 
  • BANNERS FOR PUBLIC HOSPITALS: 4 x meter banners are being purchased and placed at the main entrance of every public hospital in South Africa with the words:   ‘We honor and value our nurses – thank you!’  
  • 30 of these banners have already gone up this month in South Africa. We have 300 more public hospitals to cover!
  • NIGHT RUNs to honour NURSES are being held in every province of our country during the month of September 2021.
  • The Kweberqha Night Run will be held on the Beach Front, from Polloks Beach, on Saturday the 11th of September.   Watch our website for details!    80% of the Runners entrance fees will go towards bursaries for student nurses.  
  • We are continuously reaching out to corporates to donate some of their CSI Funding to TEN Campaign, for bursaries for disadvantaged student nurses.


List of our needs:

  • Financial donations are always needed!
  • Volunteers to serve on the Night Run Planning Team, to put up banners at hospitals, and pack care packs.
  • Enthusiastic nurses willing to visit schools to promote the Nursing Profession. We provide brochures and video material.

Contact persons:   Office Administrator:   Mrs. Lenny Scheepers – 021 712 1218.   Office hours.

                                        Director:   Sr. Teresa Basson – 082 8256 252    Office hours.

Physical Address:   National Office is in Cape Town. 136 Ladies Mile Road, Meadowridge, 7806.


Should you wish to make a donation : 


Banking details:   NEDBANK.   Account No:  1185539913   Branch Code:  198765   Reference:  Algoa Cares