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Environmental and Rural Solutions

We are concerned with:

Successfully linking sustainable developments of rural communities and their resource base with the positive aspects of what the 21st century demands. Environmental and tourism planning services in the northern part of the Eastern Cape, Southern KZN and Lesotho. Providing customized guidance that respects local, natural and cultural environments while providing a professional service and realistic recommendations. 

The dynamic duo consisting of  Sissie Matela or Nicky McLeod(pictured below) who started this NPO, were recently awarded the WWF South Africa's Living Planet Award for 2019.


ERS has worked extensively with local government and communities in integrated development planning and in preparation of sector-specific environmental and tourism plans derived from regional and spatial plans.

As the secretariat for the Umzimvubu CatchmentPartnership, ERS is responsible for linking practitioners and researchers to meet the real needs of the catchment’s ecological infrastructural challenges and associated socio-ecological issues, and ensure that best practise findings are fed back into planning, policy and implementation. We are responsible for maintaining relationships and sharing within the community of practice across the catchment

The team works closely with environmental and conservation role-players to enhance ecosystem protection integrity and services, to augment rural livelihoods in a sustainable manner.

Some of our current projects include:

o Community capacity building
o Restoring livelihoods to restore landscapes
o Watershed stewardship for the restoration of ecosystems/Services and to build climate change resilience Youth development to promote eco-futures entrepreneurship
o Spring rehabilitation

 A list of our needs

o Spring restoration and protection for household water: equipment for wattle removal around springs, protective clothing and building materials, Revitalization of home gardens: garden equipment and materials (fencing, spades, rakes etc)
o Capacity building: securing services of qualified

We take care of springs that are regularly used for drinking water with high potential for contamination by livestock drinking in the adjacent upstream pond.

We also sort out issues like the wattle infestation pictured below. It is close to an important community water source. If not removed, the wattle infestation (background)dries up the springs and kills off important grazing resources

If you would like to know more or you think that you can assist or offer financial assistance please contact Sissie Matela.

  • Contact person Sissie Matela

  • Tel/Cell: 082 953 4857 or 039 737 4849

  • Physical Address: 110 Main Street, Matatiele 4730

  • Banking details for those who may wish to donate 

    Bank: First National Bank
    - Account Name: Environmental and Rural Solutions- Account Number: 620 352 462 31
    - Branch Code: 220 322
    - Account Type: Check
    - Reference: Algoa Cares