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Queenie Grootboom
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Queenie Grootboom

Elsen Academy

Elsen Academy


  • Health and Welfare, Education and Skills
  • Development or Philanthropy
  • Description of beneficiary

We are an independent special needs school (EMIS 101021) catering for students from grades 1-12. As a registered NPO (056 – 340), we receive no government subsidy. We have 137 pupils, 25 educators. Our pupil-teacher ratio is 5:1, this enables individual attention to take place. Added to that: 4 psychologists, an occupational therapist and two speech therapists. We follow the same curriculum as state schools. Our matric class writes the same matric and our 2016 class achieved a 100% pass rate with 4 students obtaining a university pass!! Some of them had been told that they would never get a matric.

Top 3 projects 

We have lots of projects on the go, but we would like to focus on this one for now.

CSI Bursary Fund

By adding to our bursary fund from your CSI spend, we would be able to offer our school to more parents from the previously disadvantaged group = R54 000 per year.

 List of needs

Pay a child’s school fees for a year = R54 000

Contact person

Philippa Fabbri (Director)

Tel/Cell: 083 3608 468 or landline for school 0415823289

Physical Address: 21 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth

To donate to this organization:

Banking details

Bank: FNB

- Account Name Elsen Academy

- Account Number: 620 929 20993

- Branch Code: 211 217

- Account Type: Checque

- Reference: Algoa Cares

registration certificates.pdf
