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Eastern Cape NGO Coalition

Algoa Cares March 16th : East Cape NGO Coalition

The ECNGOC is a representative structure for more than 850 NGOs in the Eastern Cape. The primary mandate of ECNGOC is to create a vibrant civil society by working with NGO’s through collective VOICE and collective ACTION. The ECNGOC uses a bottom up approach to development and advocates and lobby’s for and behalf of NGOs on issues arising from the NGO district dialogues and other NGO platforms. In addition, they have an active electronic database that communicates on an ongoing basis with NGOs in the Eastern Cape. They believe in promoting the Human Rights of those who are challenged by poverty and a a lack of education in our country.

If you would like to assist the ECNGOC by way of volunteering or through financial aid, you will find a needs list, contact details and banking details below.

NEEDS LIST : Eastern Cape Coalition

• ECNGOC Members

• Professional Services – Consultants, experts , specialists etc

• Non Cash Resources – general consumables, medical supplies , stationery , food supplies, toys, learning and educational books, therapeutic supplies, sanitary towels , blankets , office furniture and equipment , cleaning materials

• Cash donations

• Upgrade on facilities ( refurbishing)

• CSI funding

• Computer hardware and software ( NGO support hub) • ?Laptops , scanners, fax machines, copiers etc (NGO support hub)

CONTACT PERSON : Mrs Rooks Moodley

Cell no : 0783731080/0739094711

Physical Address:

Block C IDZ Science and Technology Park

Harbour Arterial St IDZ-Zone C

Sunnyridge Park East London

Bank: Standard

- Account Name: Eastern Cape NGO Coaltion

- Account Number: 081147600

- Branch Code: 050021

- Account Type: Cheque

- Reference: Algoa Cares

''Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” MARTIN LUTHER KING

Thank you for caring