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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi
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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi

Community Conservation Fund Africa - Greening the Community Project

The CCFA is committed to identifying rural African communities who have not yet realised their potential to create their own sustainable economies, through driving wildlife management and conservation programs. We aim to educate and empower local communities so that they can understand that giving back to the planet does not have to be a costly undertaking – just a conscious one. 

We are passionate about sharing our dream of Africa which sees a continent that demonstrates pride and respect for its greatest asset – the wildlife.

One of our projects is called - Greening the Community and Algoa FM is partnering with CCFA on this exciting pilot campaign and will help inspire listeners – individuals, corporates, and the active environment-focused lifestyle community – to plant trees for a better future. Algoa FM launched the corporate challenge with a 35 tree sponsorship, as part of its 35-year celebration

Adopt-a-tree is aimed at helping the community in KwaNobuhle improve their environment. It’s the kickstart of Community Conservation Fund Africa’s Ádopt-a-Tree campaign.

The vision: To raise funds to plant 600 spekboom, fruit, and hardwood trees at schools.

Follow us on Facebook here.

To find out how you can get involved and help us plant a better future go to  www.ccfa.africa.

And save the date  - On September 24, Heritage Day, as a final push in support of the greening project, Steven Lancaster, well-known local extreme athlete, will embark on a mammoth challenge to complete an 8849m grueling run …  his own Mount Everest.

Steve has chosen one of Nelson Mandela Bay’s green lungs, Brickmakers Kloof Road, in Baakens Valley, to reach his Mount Everest target. It will take 141 summits of 700m to accomplish the task but he plans to push through to 165 summits, or a height of 10 000m!

Take a look at the incredible work that has already been done.