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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi
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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi

Carpe Diem School

We provide specialized education to 387 learners with different barriers to learning, Carpe Diem School is unique and caters to all disabilities except the fully blind. We have Deaf learners from 3 to 8 years old, learners with Autism, Severely intellectually impaired learners, Specific learning disabled learners, and physically disabled learners. Leaners that are short-sighted and hard of hearing. The school has more than 110 staff that including teachers, a few therapists, and support staff.

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique. The exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment is what we strive for at Carpe Diem School.

We hope that each learner and employee will have the opportunity to discover his/her own uniqueness, passions, and strengths. When you visit our school you will definitely agree that Carpe Diem school is the breeding ground for vibrant diversity.

At Carpe Diem we strive to develop the unique potential of every learner with special needs, through the use of suitable educational and therapeutic programs.

Although Carpe Diem School is a government-supported school, we only receive about half of what we need from the government, to keep the school running.

Our current projects include The 13th Gourmets & Gourmands fundraiser event with 20 restaurants that give their time and expertise to help raise funds with an amazing evening of fabulous food and music, theme this year: Brilliantly Ballroom. 25 August

Algoa FM Golf day!!! We are so excited to be nominated as the charity and are overwhelmed by the support for our special needs learners. Also see our website: www.carpediemskool.co.za

A list of our needs: Donations of money/food for 220 food parcels, donations of nappies for learners 6 to 18 years old, Money to buy new batteries for electronic wheelchairs, donation/or money to buy new matrasses/bedding for the hostel, adaptive devices for the computer lab, donations of educational toys, donation of sports equipment needed, any donations of stationary or toilet paper.


One of our current projects is Ukuwela :

Ukuwela is an isiXhosa word, which means ‘to cross over. The Ukuwela Program, launched in 2017, is all about assisting our learners with disabilities to find employment.

While still in school learners participate in work readiness groups that prepare them for the world of work. Learners who are in their final year of school are nominated by their Educators to Ukuwela. Nominees are evaluated by an Occupational Therapist to determine their abilities, skills, and interests. Job opportunities are sourced within industries which match the abilities and interests of the Ukuwela candidate. Support is provided by Ukuwela to the employer as well as to the Ukuwela candidate for the first 12 months of their employment. Ukuwela candidates from Carpe Diem School have shown that youth with disabilities can and want to work!

During the first five years of Ukuwela, 25 of our learners accessed job opportunities in the open labour market , 10 of whom have been working in their first jobs for more than a year now!

Also on our needs list :

  • Covering the heated pool to be able to use it throughout the year.
  • Sponsoring nappies
  • Sponsoring a learner's school fees
  • Sponsoring a learner's uniform
  • Paying the salary of a supportive staff member
  • Fully equipped Sensory Room at the ASD Unit
  • Fully wheelchair-accessible playground area
  • Heated Therapy pool
  • IT technology for e-learning: smart tables, tablets, touch screens (contact the school for details)
  • Balls for the hostel (netball, basketball, rugby, soccer)
  • New mattresses and bedding for the hostels
  • Water tanks
  • Equipment for basic maintenance to use in the elective subject of Maintenance (contact the school for detail)

The school is registered as a Non-profit Organisation and an Article 18A certificate can be issued for donors to receive tax benefits.

To find out more please follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/

Banking details for those who may wish to donate to you


- Account Name: Carpe Diem School

- Account Number: 1124825290

- Branch Code: 198765

- Account Type: Current

- Reference: Algoa Cares

Contact person and their/Cell/Landline: Principal Elzeth Grobler 0832709040/ 044 874 4074

Physical Address: Carpe Diem School, 1 Long Street, Bose n Dal, George, 6530