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Jeff Moloi
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Jeff Moloi

Canaan Care Centres

We are a day care facility and special needs school for children with severe physical disabilities and profound learning disabilities. Our goal is to improve our children’s quality of life, finding practical solutions to help both the child and their family work with what they have.

Top 3 projects:

Project 1:

Canaan offers Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational and Physio Therapy from 4 external professionals from in and around East London. Various members of staff have also been trained in providing therapies such as Sensory Integration, Music, Art, Aqua, Pet and Light Therapy.

Project 2:

Canaan has secured a new property through the National Lottery and we desperately need financial assistance for the renovations, inside and out, including balustrading for wheelchair ramp, painting and tiling and other general renovations.

Project 3:

The special menu is planned with the help of a dietician, and every day includes an energy packed breakfast, a high protein lunch and an assortment of healthy snacks and fun treats. As many of our children are epileptic, we are starting to introduce the Ketogenic diet, which can help reduce seizures by up to 90%.

List of Needs:

Monetary donations whether once-off or monthly pledges. 

Contributions towards our monthly food quota 

Toys for our children 

Support paying our therapy bills

Contact details:

Street Address: 57 Belgravia Crescent

Suburb: Southernwood

Town: East London

Province: Eastern Cape

Contact person: Ellie Saayman

Contact Number: 043 722 5262

Contact Cell: 071 422 4723

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Name: Canaan Care Centres

Branch Code: 053-721

Account Type: Current

Reference: Algoa Cares