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Autism Eastern Cape


Health and Welfare


Autism Eastern Cape is a small Port Elizabeth based charity which gives information and support to individuals and families of those affected by autism.  This outreach has until now mostly been done by unpaid volunteers, connected to the cause through love.

Top 3 projects:

1) Pre-school in Walmer: As of February 2016 we have 17 learners enrolled at the Early Intervention Centre in Walmer, between the ages of 3 years and 7 years. The recommended international ratio of autism teachers to children is 1:6 and we have four dedicated teachers because at this early stage, even more specialised attention is needed.

2)Increasing awareness and acceptance of autismThe free services of Autism Eastern Cape such as information and support are available to all through our website and Facebook page, which has been growing steadily and as of today, 3 March  2016 has 714 “likes”.  This helps us to use social media to give information and support to an increasing number of people; today many use FB messenger to contact us rather than phone or e-mail.

3)Adult services: Many children with autism will never be able to live independently and need long-term care. Hence Autism EC is working towards a day-workshop for adults as well as an adult residential care facility. At present, there are none in the entire Eastern Cape and each year it becomes a more pressing need.

Wish list:  see below

Statistics: Statistics are very difficult, but the US CDC estimates that 1 in 68 children born today will be on the autism spectrum, but note that there are no accurate figures for South Africa yet.

A success story: 

Two of our children that has been at our centre for 2 years are non verbal, now talking, can held conversations and have been excepted at Quest school

Contact person: Joan Jorritsma & Teresa Matthews

Tel/Cell: Joan 072-176 3666 Teresa (041) 581-0650

Physical Address: 254 Main Road in Walmer, Port Elizabeth

Banking details

Bank: Nedbank

Name of account: Autism Eastern Cape

Branch Code: 198765

Current Account number: 1035913453


Wish list: This wish list for Autism Eastern Cape for 2016 includes the needs of both the association and the Early Intervention Centre

Pre-school wish list 2016

Makaton teaching material.

Letter land teaching material.

Board maker computer programme.

Tint for front class window or awning.

Wooden lockers for children’s bags in foyer.

Gate at bottom of stoep.

Paved walk way to main entrance.

Gardener once a week.

Rocking horses for outside.

Soccer net.

Plastic scooter bikes.

Go-carts with peddles.

Hammock for foyer.

Educational toys, puzzles and games for children 2-7 years.

Fantasy toys: blocks, dolls, cars, animals, dinosaurs, masks, action figures.

Another “shade” on paved area.

Own copier-currently renting.

Doll house big enough for girls to play in outside.

Book binder to copy worksheets and bind in book form.

Sponsored valet for car once a term.

A proper security gate for front entrance, slam lock with no gap underneath.

Cupboard for front class to store equipment.

Paint inside of school.

Association wish list 2016

  • Laptop/notebook for office & association administration, with wi-fi modem to enable this to be used after-hours 
  • Printer/fax/copier with fax-to-email facility (to be shared with the pre-school)
  • Conference/over-head digital projection equipment, whiteboard and software to run with this (portable for presentations, education and training). This is linked to the marketing needs, but is also invaluable for on-going training which is necessary for working with special needs children.
  • Outreach project in Gqebera (Walmer) Township AND in Uitehnage

Due to queries from families in these two areas, who are not able to get their children to our pre-school in Walmer, Autism Eastern Cape would like to initiate a satellite class for children with ASD in the Gqebera Township and in Uitenhage.  We would need classroom space for 6 learners, suitable furniture, educational equipment, and salaries for two members of staff.

Marketing material/stationery/cell phone air time and data to promote awareness of AEC’s services. One of AEC’s goals is to increase awareness of the prevalence of autism in the Eastern Cape, and educate the public about the condition.  We need funding for information pamphlets to be distributed to clinics, doctors’ waiting rooms, nursery schools, schools, and welfare organisations. AEC also would like a gazebo, sandwich boards, banners and “feathers” which can be used indoors or outdoors, branded with AEC logo to use at fund-raising and educational events.