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Arthritis Foundation South Africa

  • We enable those with arthritis to live a valuable life in all its dimensions through increasing awareness, providing education and offering support.

Our projects include : 

  • COPE - Community Outreach Programme

The programme includes visits to hospitals, community health-care facilities, schools, carers and much more. Supporting, liaising and pairing with like-minded groups.

Having a presence and supporting patients attending the Rheumatology Clinics at the Livingstone and Dora Nginza Hospitals.

Fostering a cross-over between our communities embracing all areas in Port Elizabeth.

  • A list of our needs
  • Volunteers – to help us distribute information material to all communities across the Eastern Cape.
  • Funding to help our Community Liaison Officers to get to more areas across the Eastern Cape including remote un-serviced communities.
  • Your generosity will enable us to empower the community through education, training, support and advocacy.  
  • One of our success stories is of a young woman, Monique Williams, 28, pictured below. The Foundation met Monique and her mother at the Livingstone Rheumatology Clinic on a Wednesday morning in August 2018.  She was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis at age 10 years.  With the appropriate care from age 24, she is making RA her best friend and living a full life. 

Our contact details are as follows : 

  • Vicki Sanan (Community Liaison Officer)
  • Tel/Cell:  041 373 0116 and 083 235 8759
  • Physical Address: 1 Stratford, 3 Upper Dickens Street, Central, PE.
  • Banking details for those who wish to donate

Bank: Standard Bank

- Account Name: The Arthritis Foundation of South Africa

- Account Number: 070-965-226

- Branch Code: 020-909-00

- Account Type: Cheque

- Reference: Algoa Cares