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Age-in-Action Eastern Cape

Founded in 1956 as “The South African Council for the Aged”, now known as “Age-in-Action”, is a  body representing more than 2.7 million older people. The Organisation also has over 800 NGO’s as members who provide vital services to more than 150 000 older persons in need of care.

Age-in-Action Eastern Cape is one of those NGOs

 The vision of Age-in-Action Eastern Cape is that we want to see older persons live a dignified life. We want to establish our footprint in the communities by supporting the 60+ generation, acknowledging the value of their contribution in their communities. We want to be the leading organisation in the field of older persons. Our mission is to add value to the lives of the 60+ generation through social development services and provide them with opportunities for social inclusion. We lobby for older persons by listening to their voices, collecting their ideas and needs and collaborating with other stakeholders to lobby for their needs. The organisation has four social workers, one social auxiliary worker and two administrators.

  • To initiate and promote programmes aimed at advancing the status, well being, safety and security of vulnerable and needy older persons.
  • To provide community-based health care services for frail, bedridden, vulnerable and needy older persons.
  • To initiate prevention and educational programmes on HIV/AIDS for older persons.
  • To provide empowerment programmes for vulnerable and needy older persons visa viz., adult education.
  • To conduct relevant social research so as to provide and initiate effective interventions.
  • To compile relevant publications and disseminate information relating to older persons.
  • To initiate and implement inter-generational programmes. To lobby and advocate for the rights of older persons.

Of what importance is the organisation to the elderly in the Eastern Cape?

  • It is the only organisation in South Africa that champions the cause of both elderly persons and service delivery.
  • It has a proven track record for development and transformation.
  • It carries the support of thousands of older persons.

Problems facing older South Africans:

  • Abuse, including systemic abuse and corruption
  • Inadequate health care in communities
  • Lack of housing facilities
  • Poor health and nutritional status
  • Too few community-based services
  • Social Security System


You can find us on Facebook under Age in Actin Eastern Cape or go to


041 457 1466/7

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