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ACVV PE Suid is a Child Protection Organization rendering services to vulnerable children who are in need of care and protection. This is done by building the capacity of families to be self-reliant to care for the children and if needed to remove the children and place them in alternative care.(Foster Care or Child and Youth Care Centre or Adoption)

One or two of our current projects include :

Prevention and Early Intervention Programmes as well as Life Skills Programmes

The Social and Social Auxiliary Workers have groupwork at the High School to provide the learners with information about teenage pregnancy and the prevention of teenage pregnancy

They also do life skills programmes at the schools to equip the children and youths to manage bullyism as well as to say no to drugs and crime

Parents are equipped with parenting skills

Statutory Services

The Organization has 107 children in foster care, which was necessitated by parents passing away, parents neglecting or abusing their children.

A list of our needs

Stationary for the Staff

School stationery for the children

Toiletries for youths

Non-Perishable Food for Food Parcels

First Aid Training for Staff of Pre School

Maintenance material to fix leaking toilets and replace toilets of staff and children,  leaking roof on two places

Paint for upgrading the children’s playground

A car as we only have one between seven staff members and it is sometimes a battle to get everywhere we are needed in emergencies.

School Clothes- Basic Clothes like grey shorts, skirts, white shirts, shoes and socks

Computers for Social workers and Social Auxiliary Workers

Upgrading of alarm, which was damaged by load-shedding

Locks and bolts for classroom doors to be properly locked.

Funds to be able to supply children with ADHD and ADD Medication prescribed by a paediatrician

Running Costs

Fans as our offices have no ventilation, especially during load-shedding

Sponsorships for children at Seemeeu Pre School whose parents cannot pay the fees.

Contact person and their/Cell/Landline

Kathleen Fourie- 041- 5854176 or 0837242021

Farren Meyer- 041- 585 4176 or 0736386647

Physical Address:

1 Hilton Crescent, Forest Hill, Port Elizabeth Main Office

1 Fountain Avenue, Walmer Township Satellite Office

You can also follow us on Facebook!

Banking details for those who wish to donate :

Bank: Nedbank

1212-045254, Branch Code- 121-217.

- Account Name

A C V V P E Suid

- Account Number:


- Branch Code:

121- 217

- Account Type: Current Account

- Reference: Algoa Cares